Add Organization Members

You can add another admin to your organization based on your needs

The process is the same as when you initially create your organization. You can contact us and provide us with an email and/or wallet to be granted access as administrator.

Email Only Access

If you only want or need your admin to access the dashboard, you'll only need to provide an email, though this way your said admin won't be able to interact with anything any of AnyApe smart contracts.

They'll only be able to:

  • View projects

  • View contributors

  • Export contributors data as CSV

  • Update / edit projects

  • Manage organization branding

  • Manage vesting schedule

  • View pledges overview

Basically anything that doesn't require you to interact with our smart contract

Email and Address access

On top of all of the listed functionality above, your admin with email and address that's given access will be able to:

  • Create project raise

  • Import contributors for imported projects

  • Manual add contributors

Basically the same authority as you. You can also consult us on your needs and we can advice you on which access would be safer for your organization.

Last updated