Create Organization

Learn how to create your organization on AnyApe

Once your email has been registered by AnyApe:

  1. Access and click on "Sign In"

  2. Type in your registered email and click on "Send Email Link"

  3. Check your email for the activation link and you'll be redirected to a create organization page. Here you can input your organization name.

  4. Once you've inputed your organization name, you'll be redirected to your organization's dashboard

  5. Now you need to upload the logo of your organization, you can find the guide here.

AnyApe Sub-domain

Your organization homepage that listed all of your project raise will be set using your organization's name.

i.e., You set your organization name to 'Awesome Pool', your subdomain is

P.S. You'll be able to configure your domain which will be redirected to the subdomain above through your organization dashboard in the future, currently the feature is still in progress.

Last updated